måndag 23 augusti 2010


Snart börjar terminen igen, eller så är semestern slut för alla som arbetar. Aldous Huxleys Point Counter Ponit är en jättebra roman, som likt den på denna blogg nyligen citrade Stad i ljus publicerades första gången år 1928. I Point Counter Point kan man hitta smarta saker om det mesta.


[W]ork's no more respectable than alcohol, and it serves exactly the same purpose: it just distracts the mind, makes a man forget himself. Work's simply a drug, that's all. It's humiliating that men shouldn't be able to love without drugs, soberly; it's humiliating that they shouldn't have the courage to see the world and themselves as they really are. They must intoxicate themselves with work. It's stupid. The gospel of work's just a gospel of stupidity and funk. Work may be prayer; but it's also hiding one's head in the sand, it's also making such a din and dust that man can't hear himself speak or see his own hand before his face. It's hiding yourself from yourself.

Om detta förvisso är sant kanske livet handlar om att hitta den perfekta drogen. Just arbete har åtminstone vissa fördelaktiga biverkningar.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Vad är man om man inte arbetar?